Maintenance and Servicing

Our Maintenance and Servicing Module helps manufacturers to establish a proper equipment maintenance workflow which is essential in achieving highest efficiency and full regulatory compliance.

i-MES Maintenance and Servicing Module includes :-

  • Set maintenance, calibration and service plan for machines and tooling’s.
  • Receive auto reminder for maintenance based on fixed date, recurring date or usage cycle.
  • Get seamless update on maintenance report.
  • Ensure well-maintained machines are used for production.
  • Notify supplier for quotation when servicing and calibration are due.

About i-Mes

i-MES is an industry 4.0 shop floor online Manufacturing Execution System for smart factory. We offer end-to-end wireless network of manufacturing workflow solution.

Contact Info

Phone : +607 4890 355 (JB)
Phone : +603 2710 5044 (KL)
Phone : +65 6442 0411 (SG)
Email :


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